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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Halloween Painting

So one of my more favorite holiday is coming up, Halloween. So this year I've decided to paint a witch. To do this also I've decided to try and do it using a collage of reference images instead of doing a photo shoot (also because my camera just died). First I need to develop the idea so out with the sketch pad.

Here is the first drawing I did last year. An ink drawing colored in Photoshop.

This is a nice drawing for a side image, the right arm going down to the broom is a good strong visual image, but for a 3/4 viewed image it is bad because it will close off the body of the witch. So new drawings will be needed.

The first drawing is very rough, but all the general ideas are there.

Still very rough but I'm liking the idea of having a lantern of some sort instead of a cauldron or wand. Also I think a hooded lantern instead of an open one thus controlling the light better and the viewers eye. Also with the moon behind the witch could create some interesting negative spaces.

Further refinement of the elements of the painting idea. It's time to go and do some research into dress styles. I'm thinking perhaps victorian although I want to see whats hip in perhaps Vogue. I'll keep you-all updated.